Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Tortoise and The Hare: Who Wins This Race?
 The Tortoise and the Hare is an Aesop's fable that is number 226 in the Perry Index.
According to theHerodotus (Greek historian), the fables were written by a slave named Aesop, who lived in Ancient Greece during the 5th century BC. Aesop is also mentioned in several other Ancient Greek works including works by Socrates, Plato and other philosophers.

            This story is about a hare who is very full of himself and underestimates a tortoise (for being as slow as they are) when they are going to race. During the race, the hare runs as fast as he can and makes fun of the slow-moving tortoise whose shell is so heavy that makes him move much slower than him. The Hare, thinking that he was "way ahead" of the tortoise decides to stop and take a nap under a tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise keep on going without stopping and starts to get very close to the finish line, the hare then hears the crowd cheering and shouting at the tortoise and realizes that he has fallen asleep and has to catch up. The hare runs as fast as he can, however the tortoise has already arrived to the finish line and wins the race. Slowly but surely, the well-determined tortoise wins the race! Several experts believe that this fable has many meaning and morales.In my opinion, the morale that I got from reading this fable as a child and watching the 1934 Disney cartoon film was a saying that we use in Spanish: "A camaron que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente." The literal meaning of this saying is : If a shrimp falls asleep, the stream will drag him..." Now the real meaning of this saying will be that a person must be aware and cautious of situations, not underestimate others for their speed, height, age, etc. We see this happening over and over on a daily basis, at work, in sports, wars, and more. For example, three years ago my favorite Peruvian soccer team was going to play against a not-so popular (not good) soccer team. My favorite team decides they will go partying all week and train only 1hour a-day while the other team decided not to go out anytime during the week and practice throughout the whole time. At the end, the "not-so popular team" beats my team 4-1. Why? my team underestimate the other team and just believed they did not have to make any effort to win the National Champion League.

My Personalized Script

                                     VIDEO                                                                AUDIO                   
FADE IN:                                                                                    FADE IN MUSIC:
"Big Race Tortoise VS. Hare" sign shows up.                         Fast-pace classical melody and animals 
Animals lining up and clearing up the way.                              cheering and talking.

Hurry Hare appears as a winner                                            Animals cheering at Hurry Hare.

Tardy Tortoise appears cheering and excited                         Animals and Hurry Hare mocking him.

Hurry Hare gives his hand to Tardy Tortoise                          Hurry Hare and audience laughing at Tardy 
and takes it away before Tardy Tortoise shakes                     Tortoise.
his hand.

Rancid Raccoon starts the race by shooting                          Sound of the pistol shooting...
his pistol up in the air.

Hurry Hare rushes and starts running as fast                         fast-pace music playing...
as he can, while tardy Tortoise is moving 
very slowly.

Tardy Tortoise runs at his "own pace" while                       Slow-pace music playing...
singing a song.

Hurry Hare keeps on running until he spots                        Fast-pace music and slow-pace music playing
Tardy Tortoise from far away in the back and                    when Hurry Hare decides to rest...
decides to take a nap under a shady tree.

Tardy Tortoise keeps on moving ... he's                            Slow music quickly turns into a faster pace tune.
determined to win this race... 
He passes by Hurry Hare without stopping.

Hurry Hare keeps sleeping peacefully.                               Dreaming music playing...

Tardy Tortoise keeps on running and is                              Animals cheering and shouting at Tardy Tortoise
almost to the finish line...                                                    happy music on the background...

Hurry Hare suddenly wakes up and notices                       Surprise music and fast-pace music playing also.
Tardy Tortoise almost to the finish line... 
He runs as fast as he can...

Hurry Hare is almost catching up with Tardy                      Winning music on the background while animals
Tortoise but Tardy Tortoise, stretches his neck                   cheer at Tardy Tortoise and boo at Hurry Hare.
and legs and makes it to the finish line.

Tardy Tortoise is picked up by bigger animals                    Winning music and finale...
as the only winner and throws a big smile with 
his arms up in the air.Hurry Hare is left behind...

FADE OUT                                                                   MUSIC FADES OUT.

Here is a link to the 1934-Disney cartoon film on "The Tortoise and The Hare."

 Hope you enjoy it as much as I did now and when I was little...

1 comment:

  1. Great work. Good research and an imaginative retelling that should connect with a media-saavy audience.

    Clever story with an obvious moral overtone -- translates well to visual storytelling.

    Make sure that you cute-and-paste the URL from your weblog postings into the Blackboard site for the class for faster grading and feedback.
